Bearing the Torch of the Dark Arts in the Night of this World

Hexen Press was born from the pyre of the Winter Solstice Night, the Vesperal Fire of the Midnight Sun and the torches of the Goddess Hekate. Our desire through this project is to promote inspired and authentic Sorcerous Arts, to encourage and permit their propagation mainly through 3 ways :

Hexen Press offers publications of esoteric books and journals covering the main areas of the Via Nocturna: Sabbatic Witchcraft, Occult Herbalism and the Poison
Path, Traditional Witchcraft, the Grimoire Tradition, Witch Folklore, the Left Hand Path, Gnosticism, Luciferianism, the Mystery Cults, Magick, Divination.

Hexen Arte Magical presents artists inspired by the Sorcerous Arts and offers original creations and high quality prints.

Hexen Blog features articles on various subjects dedicated to Witchcraft, Magick and the Magical Arts.

« Remember : even in the mud and scum of things, something always sings. »